Why Did Jesus Have To Die?

Why did Jesus Have To Die _ 2

Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to die such a brutal death? Or why he had to die at all?

Let me take you on a journey to understand this.


Adam, the first man, was sinless. He was created as God’s perfect representative on earth, and enjoyed unbroken fellowship with God until he chose to disobey God. God told him that the consequences for disobedience was death when He instructed man on what to eat and what not to eat in the garden.

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die. Genesis 2: 17

 After Adam sinned, he created a bridge between God and man. He could no longer access God freely as usual because his disobedience separated him from the life of God. To make matters worse, the consequences of sin, or the wages of sin as Paul described it in Romans 6:23 affected all the descendants of Adam. All men after him automatically became children of disobedience and inherited spiritual death (separation from God). In plain terms, every man after Adam was dead on arrival, and the shedding of blood was the only way to bring him back to life. Sin became a gulf that could only be taken away when blood was shed.


Before God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden because of their sin, he exchanged their fig leaves clothing for coats of skin. (Genesis 3:21). To get the coat of skin, animals were killed and blood was shed. This was the first introduction of blood to man’s relationship with God. Since the life of anything is in its blood, the only way for man to be restored to the beautiful relationship he once enjoyed with God was through the shedding of blood. (Leviticus 17:11) The covenant made in the old testament was made with blood: the blood of bulls and goats. The Israelites, who were the prototype of God’s kingdom people, could only approach God after blood had been shed. The animals that were used for the sacrifices for sins were clean animals. They were animals without spots, blemishes or defects. (Leviticus 9: 1-3) Anyone defective animal brought for sacrifice was rejected because such sacrifice was an abomination to God. (Leviticus 22:24-25)


Apart from the blood of clean animals, God also gave the Israelites to law to keep them in line. He gave them an inexhaustible list of dos and don’ts that they could hardly keep. This was not a punishment, but a way to make them realize their sinful nature. Just as a stern schoolmaster keeps children in line, the law was given to them as a schoolmaster to make them understand how much they needed God’s grace and mercy. (Galatians 3:24-25) Both the blood of clean animals and the law were temporary solutions to the sin issue. While the shedding of animal blood gave man a temporary and imperfect heart scrub, the law kept him conscious of his inability to be free from sin. Man was desperately in need of a permanent solution for his sinful nature because all his efforts to bridge the gap between him and God failed woefully.


When the Israelites were about to leave Egypt, Moses commanded them to take a year-old male lamb that had no blemish. (Exodus 12) The lamb was meant to be their substitute because the angel of death would visit the whole land of Egypt. Anyone that had the blood of this spotless lamb on his/her doorpost was spared, while those who didn’t have the blood were speared. God revealed in bold colors his redemption plan for man through this exercise. He showed that only a man as pure and spotless as the Passover lamb would be the once-and-for-all sacrifice for sin.


From Adam to David, men tried to please God. They strove to obey the law and burnt countless sin offerings. From David until the birth of Jesus, the narrative was still the same. While some men like Enoch gained unusual access to God, other men were hindered from drawing closer to God by sin. Since the whole of mankind was tainted by sin, God decided to come to man’s rescue. He came as a baby, and was named Jesus, which means ‘Jehovah is Salvation’. It is important to note that his virgin birth was part of the redemption plan because God had declared in the garden that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent (satan). (Genesis 3:15). Since Adam’s willful disobedience brought all men into sin and death, God came to the earth through a virgin woman, Mary in fulfilment of this prophecy.

Jesus lived a sinless life on earth. Like all men, he was tempted (Matthew 4: 1-10, Hebrew 2:18,). However, unlike all men, he refused to yield to temptation.

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, YET WITHOUT SIN. (Emphasis mine)

Hebrew 4:15

Jesus consistent choice to obey God made him the perfect substitute for us. Just as the lamb took the place of the Israelites and kept them from the destroyer’s sword, Jesus had to die to take our place and deliver us from sin and death.


Many have wondered why the death of Jesus was a public and gruesome affair. Some have asked why he wasn’t killed in a less ostentatious manner. His death on the cross was also part of the redemption package. In the old testament, two goats were presented as sin offerings. While one was killed, the other, which is called the scapegoat, was led outside the camp.  The High Priest, Aaron, then took the blood of the first goat into the holiest place and sprinkled it on the mercy seat as a cry for mercy for the Israelites. Before the second goat, the scapegoat, was led out, Aaron, would lay his hands on the goat’s head and confess over it all the sins of the children of Israel. Afterwards, the goat was led into the wilderness. (Leviticus 16: 1-27).  Jesus was both the slain goat and the scape goat for mankind. He was crucified outside the camp and his blood became the atonement for our sins. He also took away the curse of the law when he hung on the cross because any man that is hanged is accursed of God. (Deuteronomy 21:23)

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangs on a tree.

Galatians 3:13 

Jesus had to die because he was the only acceptable and perfect sacrifice for sin. Although he did not commit any sin, he took our sin in himself when he hung on the cross (1 Corinthians 5:21). He took our place as sinners so that we can take His place as children of God.  It was the perfect plan of redemption by God who loves us passionately. Since Adam’s sin made all men sinners, Jesus’ death made all men who embraced his salvation, righteous.

For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Romans 5: 17

Love compelled Jesus to die for man. Through His death, we now have free access to God. The gulf Adam created when he disobeyed God was closed forever through the death of Jesus. Jesus’ death opened the gates of life wide to man. However, as exciting as this is, only those who choose to believe in Jesus and accept the gift of His love will have unrestricted access to life.

Are you still living in sin? Are you held bound by the chains of addictions and wickedness? Jesus had paid for your freedom in full, and all you have to do is accept His gift of love. Don’t keep paying for what Jesus has paid for. Don’t waste the gift of His grace. If you have made the decision to accept the gift of life made available through the death of Jesus, then, say this prayer:

Jesus, I know that I am a sinner in urgent need of your grace. I now know that you died to set me free from sin and death. I have heard your knock at the door of my heart, and I open the door to you today. Come into my heart and take over my life. Let your blood cleanse my heart of every sin, and make me a citizen of your kingdom today. Thank You for dying for me and for making me a new creature. Amen.

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Comments (16)

  • Reply Oyindamola - October 26, 2022


    Thank you so much sir/ma for this insight.
    Esee pupo 🙏🏾🙇🏾‍♀️

    • Reply Peter David - October 27, 2022

      Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice you made on our behalf…

      Thanks for the insightful write up. God bless you

  • Reply Bisi-Aremu Mercy Omodolapo - October 26, 2022

    Thanks for this piece

  • Reply Oluwanifemi - October 26, 2022

    Thanks and God bless TCF

  • Reply Oluwatofehinti OMOTAYO - October 26, 2022

    Woah!! Profound Teaching broken down for easy Understanding. Thank you very Much 🥰 May God bless you Amen.

  • Reply JOY OMOTAYO. - October 27, 2022

    JESUS, the only acceptable and perfect sacrifice for sin. Kai!🔥

    Thank you, TTM.🙏

  • Reply Oluwatobiloba - October 27, 2022

    Thanks for the message

  • Reply Olayemi Oyin - October 27, 2022

    Wow! I love this explanation. It’s perfect. I was edified.

  • Reply Adeola Racheal - October 27, 2022

    I love this
    Beautiful read

  • Reply Adekoya Faith - October 27, 2022

    Really good piece

  • Reply Favour Oriola - October 27, 2022

    Thank you Jesus.
    His death was remitterd in our account so that when death which is the judgement for sin is passed on us, we have it paid already by the death of Christ. We live and death is passed over us.

  • Reply Ayomidotun Oso - October 27, 2022

    Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice!

    This is a Blessing to me

  • Reply Okokon Itoro - October 27, 2022

    Am really blessed with this article.

  • Reply SOBUKOLA DAVID OLANIYI - October 27, 2022

    Thank you Jesus 🙏

    Thanks TTM❤️ for this piece.

  • Reply Adebisi Babatunde Ademola - October 27, 2022

    Thanks TTM

  • Reply Boniface - October 27, 2022

    This is enlightening
    Thank you Jesus for laying your life for me

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