In a world often characterized by self-interest and individualism, the concept of service stands as a beacon of light, calling us to transcend our own needs and desires to uplift and support others. Service is not merely a duty; it is a sacred calling, vital to the very essence of our being. In this article, we will explore the profound significance of service and how it embodies our purpose on the journey of life.

You were created for service! Who am I referring to? You! Yes, you! Did you see “purpose” up there? It means it’s what you were made for, right? (Isaiah 6:8, Ephesians 2:10.)

Service is your divine calling, a purpose that is highly important to the essence of your existence. It is not just an obligation; it’s a privilege and an absolute honour from God to be able to walk in alignment with your purpose. When you serve, you fulfill a vital aspect of your existence and align with God’s plan for your life. (Galatians 6:2.)

There is so much to say about service, I can’t possibly say it all in this one article, but I have something for you at end of this not-so-long read. For now, follow me closely as I explain what service is.

Serving is not merely a task; it’s an expression of your devotion and commitment to God and others. (Matthew 25:40, John 13:12-14.) It’s about selflessly giving yourself to uplift, support, and inspire those around you. Your willingness to serve speaks volumes about your character and your understanding of your purpose in this world. Yes, you would only understand what you were made for when you give yourself to service, truly and thoroughly.

This month, let us heed the divine instruction to light the path of service. Let us embrace the honour in serving others, knowing that when we do so, we honour God. When God calls us to serve, He sees the potential within us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. (Galatians 6:2.)

One common misconception about service is the notion that it is confined to the walls of a church or the duties of a pastor. True service surpasses boundaries and can be done in countless forms. It can be as simple as lending a helping hand to a neighbour, volunteering at a local place or a startup, supporting a vision in your own little way, or offering words of encouragement to someone in need. (1 Peter 4:10.)

Service is a universal language that knows no bounds. It bridges divides, fosters unity, and creates a spread of kindness and compassion that reflects throughout communities and even beyond. Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, service is within your grasp, waiting to be embraced and released for the betterment of the world around you. (Romans 12:4-5.)

In the journey of life, each act of service is a thread that contributes to the greater good. Together, let us weave a masterpiece of love, kindness, and service that illuminates the world and brings glory to the One who created us for this very purpose. (Philippians 2:3-4.)

As we reflect on the deep significance of service, I pray that we are inspired to embrace our divine calling with humility, passion, and unwavering commitment. Let us recognize that in serving others, we not only fulfill our purpose but also bring joy to the heart of God being agents of transformation in a world hungry for hope and compassion. (Matthew 5:16, Galatians 5:13, Mark 10:45.)

Earlier, I said there is so much to be said for a single article, but as inspired by God, I have been able to write a whole book that goes on and on about service for the entire month of May. This could be that book that would help you find all that you have been looking for, clear your confusion about your purpose and so much more. It’s available for sale on Selar. Kindly use the link in our bio on Instagram (the_troops_campus_network) to order.

Grace and peace is multiplied unto you.


Comments (1)

  • Reply Olabisi Olayemi - May 3, 2024

    I will serve God and serve men! Thanks for this awesome write up

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