
You & 2023

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A Prophetic Instructional Manual on God's Intentions For You In 2023

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Dear Soldier

Dear Soldier!

Just in case you never had it mentioned to you before, please permit me to be the first to inform you that you indeed got enlisted into God’s military the moment you confessed Jesus as Lord and savior. Oh, you didn’t realize? Well, it gets even better. Not only were you appointed as a soldier of Christ, you were also commissioned. I hope you understand the difference, but just in case you don’t, I’ll elucidate.

It is one thing to be an officer, it is another thing to be a commissioned one. Being commissioned is being granted authority to carry out a specific task or charge. It is an acknowledgement of not only your military status and ability but a recognition of your readiness. A testament to your grit and fitness. It is your commander basically saying to you “dear soldier, I find you war ready and I am willing to commit this responsibility to you”. Now these were the exact words of Jesus in Matt. 28:18-20.

Give a devotional to a child

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom"

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Lagos, Nigeria

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Lagos, Nigeria

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